About 5 after 4.
5 o' clock
On a clock when the big hand is facing the 11 and the little hand faces the 4, the time is 3:55.
First clock: Strikes '1' at time = 0, strikes '12' at time = 55 ===> 5 seconds between strokes. Second clock: Strikes '1' at time = 0, strikes '12' at time = 66 ===> 6 seconds between strokes. Time of 1st clock's 5th stroke = 0 + (4 x 5) = 20 sec. Time of 2nd clock's 7th stroke = 0 + (6 x 6) = 36 sec. Interval is 16 seconds.
the answer is 5:20
About 5 after 4.
11 minutes to 5 is basically 11 minutes until 5 o' clock. that would be 5 o' clock (AM or PM) subtract 11 minutes. 11 minutes to 5 is 4:49.
7 o clock.
5 o' clock
The Clock - 1949 The Death Trap 4-5 was released on: USA: 14 November 1951
you can't. watch the clock that really has your time. i have a central time zone and my real clock is 5 hours behind the howrse clock
4:30 in the morning and they went to bed at their bed time
5 in the afternoon
5 o clock