

What is the definition of tip?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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7y ago

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all depends which tip you mean - a place where household rubbish is taken to be recycled, the rounded end of something, something fitted to the end of something, a small part of something largely hidden, to push or knock something over, to tilt, slant or incline, a small some of money as a gratuity, the top or summit...................

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7y ago

It is the end, often pointed, of a tapered shape.

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The tip of Baja California is farther south.

What is meant by gratuity?

Web definition: "a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)." (In other words, a tip). Whenever you need a definition of a word, you can go to and type in "define gratuity" or whatever word you want defined (without quotation marks), and click on the Google Search button and it will give you the definition of the word.

How did the Q-tip get its name?

The word "Q-tip" means "Quality tip".

Additional tip if tip included?

If you feel the service was above your standards then yes tip extra even tho the tip is already included.

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The tip of the nose is the apex.

Is tip an adverb?

No. Tip can be a noun or a verb.