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A rectangle must have two (2) pairs of parallel sides, a trapezoid only needs one (1).

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles, and a trapezoid is a quadrilateral with 1 pair of opposite parallel sides.

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7y ago
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14y ago

There are many differences. Some are given below, more can be derived from them. (a) All four angles of a rectangle are 90 degrees. A trapezoid need not have any. (b) A rectangle has two pairs of parallel sides, a trapezoid only one. (c) A rectangle has two pairs of sides of equal length, a trapezoid need not have any. (d) The diagonals of a rectangle bisect on another, not true for a trapezoid.

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8y ago

A rectangle has 4 right angles. A trapezoid can have at most 2 right angles.

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8y ago

All four angles of a rectangle are right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two right angles.

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Q: What is the difference between a rectangle and a trapezoid?
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What is difference between trapezoid and rectangle?

Trapezoid is like a rectangle but the two sides are slanted inwards so that the top is shorter than the bottom

What is the difference between a rectangle and a trapazoid?

A rectangle has four right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two.

Is every trapezoid a rectangle?

No, every trapezoid is not a rectangle. There is no overlap between rectangles and trapezoids -- that is, no trapezoid is a rectangle. They are both four-sided quadrilaterals

What is the difference between a trapazoid and a rectangle?

All four angles of a rectangle are right angles. A trapezoid can have at most two right angles.

The difference between a rectangle and a trapezoid?

A rectangle (including the special case of a square) has four right angles while a trapezium can have at most two.

Is a trapezoid and a rectangle a polygon?

A trapezoid and a rectangle are both polygons.

What is the difference between a trapezoid and a rectangle?

the difference is that a rectangle has 4 sides with 2 pairs of parralell sides that are oposite to each other and a trapozoid has 4 sides but it only has 1 pair of parralell sie that's opposite to each othera trapezoid only has 1 pair of parallel lines while a rectangle has 2 pairs as well as having 4 right angles where a trapezoid will have no more then 2 at most

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Why cant a rectangle be a trapezoid?

A rectangle has four right angles; a trapezoid doesn't.

How are trapezoid and rectangle not alike?

A rectangle has four ninety degree angles, where as a trapezoid does not.

What is the difference a rectangle and trapezoid?

A rectangle is a quadrilateral (4 sides) and has all right angles and 2 pairs of parallel sides. A trapezoid is also a quadrilateral, but has only 1 pair of parallel sides.

Is a rectangle a trapazoid?

No, a rectangle is not a trapezoid.