A temple is where you worship and a pyramid is a building where pharaohs are buried. A pyramid can also be showed or built to show greatness.
the egyptian pyramid put the body in mummy,but the mexican pyramid put the body in the water.
They are very different, as a square sphere is impossible. The difference is that a square pyramid exists, whereas there's no such thing as a square sphere.
the smooth-sided is smooth but the stepped has a six huged steps at the top for the robbers
A pyramid has one base, a prism has two.A pyramid has one base, a prism has two.A pyramid has one base, a prism has two.A pyramid has one base, a prism has two.
The shape is 3 dimensional, the top down view is 2 dimensional.
the difference between them is that the bottom face is different one of them is a rectangle and one of them is a square
the difference between them is that the bottom face is different one of them is a rectangle and one of them is a square
A prism is 3d and a pyramid is in 2d
thes sqquare pyramid has lonepaires in the central atom
A pyramid which we normally call a triangular- based pyramid has 4 triangular phases (including the base, so that means the base of a normal pyramid is triangular) but a a square pyramid has a square phase to its base and the other 4 phases are triangular. so that can be identified as the difference between a pyramid and a square pyramid.
in temple run u run
the egyptian pyramid put the body in mummy,but the mexican pyramid put the body in the water.
Some called it "The Pyramid of Teti", "Mortuary Temple" and there are others who called it "Pyramid Saqqara Temple".
the difference is a triangular pyramid has a point at the top and a triangular prism doesn't and a triangular pyramid has a square at the bottom and tringular prism doesn't
A prism has 2 bases and a pyramid has only one base.
temple is a place e where u PRAY and home is where you LIVE.