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They are both 4 sided quadrilaterals but a kite has no parallel sides whereas a parallelogram has opposite parallel sides

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Q: What is the difference between kite and parallelogram?
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Why is a kite not a parallelogram?

A kite is not a parallelogram because the parallelogram's angles are tilted and a kite isn't.

When can a parallelogram become a kite?

When Can. A. parallelogram become a kite

Are there any differences between a parallelogram and a kite?

Yes because a kite has no parallel sides.

Can a kite be a parallelogram?

Yes, it can be a parallelogram. It will always be a parallelogram. NO. In fact a kite can only be a parallelogram in the extreme case that it is a rhombus (or square). NO. NO. NO. NO. hehe.

What is the difference in a kite and a paralleaogram?

A parallelogram has parallel sides. A kite does not. It has 2 pairs of sides with equal length but this does not make parallel sides.

A kite is a parallelogram true or false?

This is true, because a kite is a rhombus, which is a type of parallelogram.

Are opposite sides of a kite parallel?

No they are not. A kite is not a parallelogram.

What is the difference between a rectangle and a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is slanted. A rectangle is not.

Is a parallelogram a kite?

No. A kite is a quadrilateral that has two pairs of adjacent equal sides (upper/lower).In a parallelogram, the opposite sides are equal in length. A kite can become a parallelogram in the degenerate case of a rhombus, where the upper and lower sides are equal. This also applies to square kites.No but they are both 4 sided quadrilaterals

What quadrillateral is not a parallelogram?

A kite is one of them

Can a parallelogram and a kite be congruent?

yes, they can

Name a quadrilateral that is not a parallelogram?

A kite.