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In mathematics, or physics, if one quantity is proportional to the other, that means that if one quantity increases by a certain factor, the other quantity increases by the same factor. For example, if"y" is proportional to "x", and "x" increases by a factor 10, then "y" must also increase by a factor 10. Any relationaship that does NOT follow this rule is NOT proportional.

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Q: What is the difference between proportional and non proportional relationship?
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What is the difference between linear and non linear scales?

A linear scale is a scale with equal divisions for equal vales, for example a ruler. A non linear scale is where the relationship between the variables is not directly proportional.

What is Linear and Non-Linear Relationships?

A linear relationship means that the slope of the line is proportional, which means that the line is straight. In contrast to the linear realtionship, the non-linear relationship's slope is not proportional and the line will curved and not straight. Formula of calculating the slope is the difference of y divided by the difference of x.

How can you identify a linear non proportional relationship from a table a graph and an equation?

A linear non-proportional relationship can be identified from a table if the ratios of the y-values to the x-values are not constant. In other words, if the values in the y-column do not increase or decrease by the same factor for each increase in the x-values. From a graph, a non-proportional linear relationship can be identified if the line does not pass through the origin (0,0) or if the slope of the line is not constant. Finally, in an equation, a non-proportional linear relationship can be identified if it does not have a multiplier or constant ratio in front of the x-variable.

What is the difference between linear and non linear?

Linear describes a relationship that exhibits a straight line when plotted on a graph, for example. Non liner is any thing other than a straight line.

Is 120-xL proportional or not proportional?

It is an expression, not an equation and so cannot be proportional nor non-proportional.

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How is a proportional and non-proportional relationship different?

Proportional is when it is proportional.

What is the difference between linear and non linear scales?

A linear scale is a scale with equal divisions for equal vales, for example a ruler. A non linear scale is where the relationship between the variables is not directly proportional.

What is Linear and Non-Linear Relationships?

A linear relationship means that the slope of the line is proportional, which means that the line is straight. In contrast to the linear realtionship, the non-linear relationship's slope is not proportional and the line will curved and not straight. Formula of calculating the slope is the difference of y divided by the difference of x.

What are non proportional vectors?

Non-proportional vectors are vectors that do not have a constant scalar multiple relationship between them. In other words, they do not lie on the same line or in the same direction. Non-proportional vectors are linearly independent and have different magnitudes and directions.

3-6 proportional and non-proportional relationships?


Does the graph represent a proportional or non-proportional liner relationship How do you know?

If the graph is a straight line through the origin, sloping upwards to the right, then it is a proportional linear relationship.

Is y 7x - 3 a proportional relationship?

If you mean: y=7x -3 then it is a proportional relationship of a straight line equation.

What is Proportional limit of a spring?

The proportional limit of a spring is the point at which the relationship between the force applied to it and the extension of the spring becomes non-linear. Beyond the proportional limit, the spring will no longer obey Hooke's Law, which states that the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied to it.

How do you determine the relationship is non-proportional when given a table?

The ratio of the two variables is not the same for all pairs.

How can you identify a linear non proportional relationship from a table a graph and an equation?

A linear non-proportional relationship can be identified from a table if the ratios of the y-values to the x-values are not constant. In other words, if the values in the y-column do not increase or decrease by the same factor for each increase in the x-values. From a graph, a non-proportional linear relationship can be identified if the line does not pass through the origin (0,0) or if the slope of the line is not constant. Finally, in an equation, a non-proportional linear relationship can be identified if it does not have a multiplier or constant ratio in front of the x-variable.

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Agriculture is farming and non-agriculture is non farming.