The face value is 5, the place value is units.
Place value of 3 in 309812 is 300000 but its face value is 3
The face value of the 4 is four The place value: it is in the thousands column, so the 4 is four thousand. The difference is 4000 - 4 = 3996. Alternatively, its place value is 1000 times its face value. The 4 would only have its place value and face value equal when it is in the ones column.
The face value of the 8 in 680735 is 8. The place value is eight ten-thousands.
Diff = 36
the DIFFERENCE between the place value and the face value is 991
The face value is 5, the place value is units.
Place value of 3 in 309812 is 300000 but its face value is 3
The difference is the PLACE VALUE is the number in standard form and the VALUE is the name of the place spot the number is in.
Its place value is 20 but its face value is 2
The place value is hundreds and the face value is 6.
The face value of the 4 is four The place value: it is in the thousands column, so the 4 is four thousand. The difference is 4000 - 4 = 3996. Alternatively, its place value is 1000 times its face value. The 4 would only have its place value and face value equal when it is in the ones column.
The place value of the 3 in 329 is 300. The face value is 3. Therefore, the difference between the two is 300 - 3 = 297.
The face value of the 8 in 680735 is 8. The place value is eight ten-thousands.
Its face value is 5 but its place value is 5000 and 5000 minus 5 = 4995
The difference is 49995