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Any number of the form 8k/10k where k is a non-zero integer, is an equivalent fraction.

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Q: What is the equivalent fraction fir eight tenths?
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What is 'fir tree' in German?

"Tannen" is a German equivalent of "fir tree" (Abies spp).

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What is the Latin 'Abies Alba' in English?

'White fir" is a literal English equivalent of "Abies alba."But that doesn't tend to be the most popular form of a common name for this European native tree. Instead, the common name tends to be silver fir or European silver fir. This particular kind of fir is related very closely to both the Bulgarian fir (A.borisiiregis) and the Sicilian fir (A.nebrodensis).

What is the German 'Tannen' in English?

"Fir tree" is an English equivalent of "Tannen" (Abies spp).

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ST8A will fir a ford 351 CC V eight.

How do you pronounce fir?

If you mean "fir" as in "fir tree" it is pronounced like the word "fur"

How long does it take for a Christmas tree to grow to the right size?

It depends upon the variety, type of Christmas tree and also your definition of the right size.Nationwide an average Christmas tree height is from six to seven feet tall:Some popular Christmas trees include the following varieties and number of years to grow to the right size:Fir Trees = Five to Ten years depending on type Types include: Balsam Fir, Canaan Fir, Concolor Fir (White Fir),Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir, Grand Fir, Noble FirPine Trees = Six to Eight years depending on typeTypes include: Scotch Pine, Virginia Pine, White PineSpruce Trees = Seven to Ten years depending on typeTypes include: Colorado Blue Spruce , Norway Spruce, White Spruce

Is fir hard wood?

No, Fir is a softwood.

Does fir or fur descrides a tree?

it is fir

Can you have a sentence for fir?

I will plant a fir tree

What is FIR of police?

FIR is first information report.

What is the homophone for fur?

The homophone for fur is fir.