54/126 simplest form
It is 54/23.
The fraction 35/54 is already in simplest form.
To express 54 as a fraction in simplest form, we can write it as 54/1. To simplify this fraction, we need to find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 54 and 1, which is 1. Dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 1, we get the simplest form of the fraction as 54/1 = 54.
As an improper fraction in its simplest form it is -54/25
Iis simply: 54/1
54% is 0.54 or 54/100. In simplest form is 27/50.
If by "54" you mean ".54", then that decimal converted to a fraction is 54/100, which can be simplified to 27/50.If by "54" you mean ".54545454... etc" (repeating), that decimal converted to a fraction is 6/11.(WikiAnswers really needs to allow periods in their questions, it's not your fault.)
Put 54 over 100 and reduce it into its simplest form.
It is: 54% = 54/100 = 27/50 in its simplest form