The factors of 25 are:
1, 5, 25
The factors of 50 are:
1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50
The common factors are:
1, 5, 25
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is:
The GCF is 25.
No, because the GCF of 50 and 100 is 50
The GCF is 50.
If that's 25, 100 and 50, the GCF is 25. If that's 25100 and 50, the GCF is 50.
the smallest common factor is 1 and the gcf is 25.
GCF(50, 25, 100) = 25.
The GCF is 5.
The GCF is 25.
The GCF is 25.
The GCF is 25.
The GCF is 25.
No, because the GCF of 50 and 100 is 50
The GCF of the 2 numbers is 50.
If you mean 25, 100 and 50 then the GCF is 25
The GCF is 50.
the gcf of 25 and 50 is 25the answer is 5 because you know that 5 can go into both 25 and 40.* * * * *Except that the question is about 25 and 50.GCF(25, 50) = 25The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is: 25