You need at least two numbers to find a GCF. If that's 4, 5 and 8, the GCf is 1.
458 - 229- 2 - 1
458 = 2*229
Answer: 2Solution: The greatest common factor of two numbers is defined as the largest number that divides both numbers into whole numbers (i.e. divides the numbers evenly).The easiest way to find the G.C.F. in this case is to begin by listing the factors of the smaller number:Factors of 70: 70, 35, 14, 10, 7, 5, 2, 1See if 70 divides 458 evenly (it does not), then 35 (again, it does not), and so on...until we find a factor of 70 that is also a factor of 458. We find that 2 is the largest such number.
-789, -132, 0, 458, 984.
The Least Common Multiple of 168 and 458 is 38,472.
The phone number of the Fairview Branch Library is: 310-458-8681.
The phone number of the Santa Monica Public Library is: 310-458-8600.
The phone number of the Ocean Park Branch Library is: 310-458-8683.
The phone number of the Montana Avenue Branch Library is: 310-458-8682.
There are 2 factor pairs of 458.458 = 1 x 458458 = 2 x 229