650 x 650 = 422,500
The perfect square of 75 is 5625. Not sure of the relevance of "greatest", though.
Well, isn't that just a happy little question! The greatest perfect square of 1290 is 36, because 36 x 36 equals 1296, which is the closest perfect square to 1290. It's all about finding the beauty in numbers and appreciating the little surprises they bring.
650 x 650 = 422,500
It is: 25
The perfect square of 75 is 5625. Not sure of the relevance of "greatest", though.
5040 is not a perfect square. The greatest perfect square less than 5040 is 4900.
The greatest perfect square is 36.
99801 is the greatest 5 digit number * * * * * 99801 is not a perfect square! Sqrt(99801) = 315.91 (approx). The largest 5 digit perfect square is 99856 = 3162
The largest 5 digit perfect square is 99856 = 3162