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Using the cosine rule the angle can be found:

Largest angle is opposite largest side
→ A = arc cos ((14² - 9² - 8.5²)/(2 × 9 × 8.5)) ≈ 73.8°

For the area, use Heron's formula

Let S = half the perimeter = ½(14 + 9 + 8.5) = 15.75
Area = √(s(s - a)(s - b)(s - c))
= √(15.75 × (15.75 - 14) × (15.75 - 9) × (15.75 - 8.5))
≈ 36.73 sq cm.

Alternatively, you can use the Sine ratio on the largest angle and the two shorter sides:

area ≈ ½ × 9 × 8.5 × sin 73.8 ≈ 36.73 sq cm

Another Answer: The largest angle of the triangle is 106.23 degrees and its area is 36.73 square cm both rounded to two decimal places

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Another Answer: Largest angle of the triangle is 106.23 degrees and its area is 36.73 square cm both rounded to two decimal places

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Q: What is the largest angle in and area of a triangle with sides of 14 cm by 9 cm by 8.5 cm?
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What is the largest angle and area of a triangle having sides of 14cm by 8.5cm by 9cm?

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The largest angle will be opposite the longest side which is 14 cm and by using the cosine rule it works out as 106.23 degrees rounded to two decimal places and its area is 0.5*9*8.5*sin(106.23) = 36.726 square cm to three decimal places.

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