There are 8 bits in a byte, so a two byte integer would be 16 bits. The largest 16 bit integer possible would be 11111111111111112, which is 65535 in base 10.
If the byte represents a signed number, values commonly go from minus 128 to plus 127. If the byte represents an unsigned number, values commonly go from 0 to 255.
11111111; 255 or 1+2+4+8+16+32+64+128=255 Answer 255 There are 8 bits in a byte when all are set to zero (turned off) then the value is 0. When all of the bits in a byte are set to 1 (turned on) you get the largest value that a byte holds which is 255.
The largest number which can be stored in an 8 bit memory byte is 255 . The largest prime number below 255 is 251.
byte was coined by werner buchholz
There are 8 bits in a byte, so a two byte integer would be 16 bits. The largest 16 bit integer possible would be 11111111111111112, which is 65535 in base 10.
The largest unit of memory is a Yoda Byte. :)
The largest unit of memory is a Yoda Byte. :)
no, there are many other larger units
255 is the largest decimal number. 1 byte (8 bits) can store 256 *values* (0-255).
1 byte
It is not possible. A Byte is 8 bits, the largest possible 8 bit number is '11111111' which is only 255 (in normal decimal numbers).
If the byte represents a signed number, values commonly go from minus 128 to plus 127. If the byte represents an unsigned number, values commonly go from 0 to 255.
If the architecture allows each individual byte to be adressed then there are 4,000,000 possible addresses ranging from 0 to 3,999,999. So the largest address is 3,999,999 which is 3D08FF in hexadecimal representation