The largest place value in the world is a googolplex.
One googolplex is 10googol
One googol is 10100
ones 1
tens 10
hundreds 100
thousand 1,000
1 million 1,000,000
2 billion 1,000,000,000
3 trillion 1,000,000,000,000
4 quadrillion 1,000,000,000,000,000
5 quintillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000
6 sextillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
7 septillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
8 octillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
9 nonillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
10 decillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
11 undecillion 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
12 duodecillion
13 tredecillion The latin roots of the numbers show the
14 quattuordecillion # of groups of 3-zeroes that follow 1000.
15 quindecillion 2=bi, 3=tri, 4=quad, 5=quin, 6=sex, 7=sept
16 sexdecillion 8=oct, 9=non, 10=decem, 20=vigin.
17 septendecillion
18 octodecillion Names for groups 3 to 63 come from several
19 novemdecillion sources, both encyclopedic and dictionary.
20 vigintillion
21 unvigintillion Prefixes un-, duo-, tre-, quattuor, quin-,
22 duovigintillion sex-, sept-, octo, and novem-, appear to
23 trevigintillion modify TEN (decem) to make 11 to 19.
24 quattuorvigintillion
25 quinvigintillion I followed the same pattern before
26 sexvigintillion vigintillion to create 21 to 29 sets
27 septenvigintillion of 000's after 1,000.
28 octovigintillion
29 novemvigintillion decem=10, viginti=20, centi=100.
30 trigintillion
31 untrigintillion
32 duotrigintillion
33 tretrigintillion
34 quattuortrigintillion
35 quintrigintillion
36 sextrigintillion
37 septtrigintillion
38 octotrigintillion
39 novemtrigintillion
40 quardragintillion
41 unquardragintillion
42 duoquardragintillion
43 trequardragintillion
44 quattuorquardragintillion
45 quinquardragintillion
46 sexquardragintillion
47 septquardragintillion
48 octoquardragintillion
49 novemquardragintillion
50 quinquagintillion
51 unquinquagintillion
52 duoquinquagintillion
53 trequinquagintillion
54 quattuorquinquagintillion
55 quinquinquagintillion
56 sexquinquagintillion
57 septquinquagintillion
58 octoquinquagintillion
59 novemquinquagintillion
60 sexagintillion
61 unsexagintillion
62 duosexagintillion
63 tresexagintillion
64 quattuorsexagintillion
65 quinsexagintillion
66 sexsexagintillion
67 septsexagintillion
68 octosexagintillion
69 novemsexagintillion
70 septuagintillion
71 unseptuagintillion
72 duoseptuagintillion
73 treseptuagintillion
74 quattuorseptuagintillion
75 quinseptuagintillion
76 sexseptuagintillion
77 septseptuagintillion
78 octoseptuagintillion
79 novemseptuagintillion
80 octogintillion
81 unoctogintillion
82 duooctogintillion
83 treoctogintillion
84 quattuoroctogintillion
85 quinoctogintillion
86 sexoctogintillion
87 septoctogintillion
88 octooctogintillion
89 novemoctogintillion
90 nonagintillion
91 unnonagintillion
92 duononagintillion
93 trenonagintillion
94 quattuornonagintillion
95 quinnonagintillion
96 sexnonagintillion
97 septnonagintillion
98 octononagintillion
99 novemnonagintillion
100 centillion 100 sets of 000 after 1,000 or 10303
1000 millinillion 1000 sets of 000 after 1,000 or 103003
As you can see with the above list. Numbers are infinite, and you could carry on listing numbers until you fall asleep and you wouldn't be close to answering this question.
The second largest planet known as the ringed planet in our solar system is Saturn.
No, Tres-4 is not the largest planet. The largest known planet in our solar system is Jupiter. Jupiter is more than 300 times the mass of the Earth and is known for its massive size and powerful magnetic field.
The largest known asteroid, Ceres, is about 583 miles (940 kilometers) in diameter.
The place value of a decimeter is 1/10 of a meter. It is equivalent to 10 centimeters or 100 millimeters.
The largest place value in the number is millions.
The largest place value is the tenths place. The smallest is, well, infinite.
A million (largest value, with 9 in that place, is 9 million).
The largest prime number yet discovered has 17,425,170 digits. That does not have a specific name. Perhaps you could come up with one.
In the decimal number system, the largest digit that can be used in each place value is 9. Place values increase by a power of 10 as you move from right to left, so the ones place can hold digits 0-9, the tens place can hold digits 0-9, and so on. The largest digit in each place value represents the highest value that can be assigned to that position in a number.
The 4 in 24.2 is in the ONES place. (also known as the units place)