The largest remainder will be one less than the divisor. 7 - 1 = 6.
7 because if the remainder was 8, you could just divide it one more time
If you divide by 8, the remainder can be any number from 0 to 7.
7 divide by 16 with a remainder = 0.4375
When you divide 24 by 7 the remainder is 3.
Because 1 is the largest number that will divide into both 7 and 36 evenly, with no remainder.
The largest number that will divide into 28 42 and 70 with no remainder is 14.
you can do divide 83 and 5 and that will be your biggest remainder.
53 divided by 7 is 7 with remainder 4
It is: 368/7 = 52 with a remainder of 4