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I would like some cheese on toast

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Q: What is the last word of Rene descartes said?
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Who introduce the word function?

Rene Descartes

Why is a Cartesian coordinate system called Cartesian?

The word "Cartesian" is named after the creator of the system itself, Rene Descartes (1596-1650), whose Latin name was Renatus Cartesius.

How did imaginary numbers get their name?

Rene Descartes came up with the word imaginary in 1637 to describe them. It was a derogatory term. He (and many other mathematicians of that age) did not like imaginary numbers. Many people didn't believe in them, because they were not real.

What is the best definition for the word axiom?

An axiom is a truth recognised universally, or an established principle or rule. It is a self-evident statement such as the famous axiom by Rene Descartes: I think therefore I am. It is obvious that were one to think, that one would be - this is self evident.

Does the word Cartesian in Cartesian Dualism derive from Descartes and if not then from where?


What was the last word Elie's father said to him?

he called out elies name

What was Albert Einstein's last word?

His Last Words Were In German, He Said "Citater Fra..." He Spoke His Last Words To His Nurse, But She Didn't Speak German.

What is another word for Cartesian?

That is a weird question, given that Cartesian has such a specialized meaning, which is, relating to the French mathematician Rene Descartes. If you are talking about the Cartesian coordinate system, which is the familiar graph based on an x and y axis, you could call it an x and y graph, I suppose. That is not exactly the same as Cartesian but it would apply to that particular context.

Where does the last name Frazer come from?

The last name Frazer is said to come from Scotland. It was derived from the French word "Fraises", which means strawberry.

What were the last word's Frosty the Snowman said?


What is the last line of the twilight new moon movie?

in the film, it was Edward. he said. 'i have one condition, marry me first' (not word for word)

What is first word in the last Harry potter film?

The first word is "it's" but if you want the first sentence it is "it's beautiful here" and it is said by Luna.