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Just multiply the two smallest prime numbers. That's your number.

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Q: What is the least whole number that has two different prime factors?
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What is the least whole number the has two different prime factors?


What is the least number that has 4 different prime factors?

Logically, the smallest number with 4 different prime factors would have to be the product of the smallest four prime numbers. So the smallest natural number with four different prime factors is 210 (2*3*5*7).

Must a composite number have at least two different prime factors?

No, 4 has one prime factor.

What eight digit number does not have at least 3 different prime factors?

16,777,216 is one.

What is the least whole number that has 2 different prime factors?


Is a composite number times a composite number always composite?

Yes. To be composite, the first number has at least 2 prime factors, the second number also has at least prime factors; the product of the two will have at least 4 prime factors, so it must be a composite number.

What is the least number that has three different prime factors?

If by "least number" you mean "smallest positive integer", then the answer is the product of the three smallest primes: 2x3x5 = 30

How is a prime number different from the factors?

A prime number has only two factors, one and the number itself. A composite number has more than two factors. Factors can be either prime or composite.

How is prime factorization different from finding factors of a number?

All numbers have factors. Some factors are prime numbers, some are composite numbers, one is neither. When finding the factors of a number, you find all the factors. The prime factorization is a multiplication string of just prime factors that will total the given number.

What is the least number that is divisible by four different prime numbers?

the least number is 210 which is divisible by four different prime numbers.

What number has five different prime factors?

Since there are an infinite number of prime numbers, there are infinite numbers with any given number of prime factors.

How many factors does every natural number greater then 1 had at least?

2 factors, but a prime number has only two factors (itself and one). Note that 1 is not considered to be a prime number.