The least common multiple of the numbers 35 and 14 is 70.
LCM(42, 70, 105) = 210
Just look for common factors between the two numbers. Then divide both numbers by such a common factor.
The lowest common multiple (LCM) is: 70
LCM(2, 70) = 70. The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1.
LCD(70, 105) = 210.
35 is a common factor of 70 and 105.
The highest common factor is 35.
The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of 140, 105, and 70 is 35.
The lowest common factor of any set of numbers is 1.
The lowest common factor of any two numbers is one.
The GCF is 7.
The GCF is 35.
The GCF is 7.
The least common factor of any set of numbers is 1.
The least common multiple of the numbers 35 and 14 is 70.