564 to the nearest hundred would be 600
497 553 545 rounds off to:0 to the nearest billion500 000 000 to the nearest hundred million500 000 000 to the nearest ten million498 000 000 to the nearest million497 600 000 to the nearest hundred thousand497 550 000 to the nearest ten thousand497 554 000 to the nearest thousand497 553 500 to the nearest hundred497 553 550 to the nearest ten
It is 400 because 150% of 400 = 600
Well, honey, if you're looking for the nearest hundred to 609, it's 600. I mean, it's not rocket science. Just round down like your ex's IQ and call it a day.
It is 500.
545/6 = 90.83%
It is 500.
Rounded to the nearest hundred, 578 is approximately equal to 600.
545 to the nearest tenths is 545.0
600 x 400 = 240,000
600 + 400 = 1000