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Having inserted spaces where I believe you either forgot them or put commas (which are removed from questions due to limitations) and so resulted in a question containing two numbers from which it is impossible to give any definite answer (in fact for any series given so far a formula can be devised that will generate the given terms and any term you want as the next term).

However, the series you have given is the well known start of the Fibonacci series which continues with the next number being the sum of the previous two, thus it would continue 8 + 13 = 21, 13 + 21 = 34, etc.

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It is close to impossible to determine the nature of a sequence from just two numbers. You cannot even determine whether it is an arithmetic progression or geometric; leave alone polynomial or power sequences.

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Q: What is the next number in this series 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13?
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