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Angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees.

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There can be only one.

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Q: What is the number of straight angles that can be drawn through two points?
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Is there exactly one line through two points?

In plane geometry there is exactly one straight line through two points. There can be any number of curved lines.

How many lines can be drawn through 2 points?

1 straight line. An infinite number of curved lines.

How many points are needed to determine a straight line?

You need two points to determine a line. A single point can have an infinite number of lines passing through it.

Through any two points there is exactly one?

== == Through any two points there is exactly one straight line.

Does an ellipse have 4 straight angles?

An ellipse is a conic section, a curving line which is the path of a point that moves in such a way that the sum of its distance from two fixed points is constant.... so no - there are not 4 straight angles in an ellipse, nor any straight bits at all.

Can 2 angles have 3 points in common?

Yes, 2 angles can have 3 points in common. Two angles of the same number of degrees can be superimposed on each other and would share all points. Or, you could choose 3 points on one line segment, while having two other line segments which do not share points, and which delineate different angles.

How do you define a straight line without saying anything about curves or bends or angles?

It is the shortest distance between two points.

What graph consists of all points of the form 2t and t where t is any number?

A straight line, through the origin, with a gradient of 1/2.

Where is true of a geometric straight line?

It is an collection of an infinite number of points.

What is the intersection of two number lines at right angles at their zero points called?


What the name of straight lines that can be drawn through one points?

line segments

Given any three points is there exactly one plane containing them?

Through any three points NOT on the same straight line. If they are all on the same line then that line can act as an axis of rotation for an infinite number of planes containing the three points.