23.205 = 23205/1000 = 4641/200
23.205 = 23205/1000 = 4641/200
A single digit in a decimal representation can have a place value: an entire number cannot.
you would see where the number is what place value then you put that number over the place value so 0.004 would be 4/1000 in fraction form.
It is: 0.6 or 3/5 as a fraction in its simplest form
To convert 0.00078 to a fraction, we need to determine the place value of the last digit, which is the thousandths place. Since there are three zeros after the decimal point, we can express 0.00078 as 78/100, which simplifies to 39/50 when divided by the greatest common factor of 2. Therefore, 0.00078 as a fraction is 39/50.
The given value is that of an integer, not a fraction.
The 1 is in the tenths place, so. 1/10 --------------reduced fraction.
The value of 11% as a fraction in the simplest form is 11/100.
9.04166667 in fraction form is 9 1/24. To convert the decimal to a fraction, first identify the whole number part, which is 9. Then, take the decimal part (0.04166667) and convert it to a fraction by placing it over the place value of the last digit (24). Simplifying the fraction gives us 9 1/24.
It is as a fraction: 65/100 or 13/20 in its simplest form