The place value of 4 is 4,000 as the 4 is in the thousands column.
4 thousand.
4 is in the thousands' place and has a value of 4,000
the place value of 4 in 45762 is ten thousands
the place value of 4 in 2.0145 = thousandths
It is 4092.
4 thousand.
what is the value of 4 crore in international place value.
14,790.12 value of 4 * * * * * No. The place value is ten thousands.
4 is in the thousands' place and has a value of 4,000
what bank card starts with 4092
the place value of 4 in 45762 is ten thousands
the place value of 4 in 2.0145 = thousandths
the place value is ten
The face value of the 4 is four The place value: it is in the thousands column, so the 4 is four thousand. The difference is 4000 - 4 = 3996. Alternatively, its place value is 1000 times its face value. The 4 would only have its place value and face value equal when it is in the ones column.
The 4 is in the tenths place value.