The place value of 9 in 239581 is 9000 . Its face value is 9.
9 is in the ten thousands place, and has a value of 90,000
It is 9.
9 in the decimal system
9 is in hundreds place.
what is the place value of 198,752 underline digit is 9
one digit
The place value of 9 in 239581 is 9000 . Its face value is 9.
A million (largest value, with 9 in that place, is 9 million).
In the number 960, the digit 9 holds a place value of 90, as it is in the tens place. This means that the digit 9 represents 90 in this number. The value of a digit in a number is determined by its place value within that number.
9 is in the ten thousands place, and has a value of 90,000
The 9 in 19,241,700 is in the millionths place
it is 1/10 as great as the value of the digit in the tens place
9 is in the thousands place. 4 is in the tens place.