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The purpose is to have a compact way to write, and compare, very large and very small numbers.

You won't notice the advantage if, for example, you write 2300 as 2.3 x 103, although you should still know the theory for those cases. However, if you have a number like 2,300,000,000,000,000,000 it helps to write this as 2.3 x 1018 - it is easy to compare with other numbers, without having to count the digits, or even write them out.

The purpose is to have a compact way to write, and compare, very large and very small numbers.

You won't notice the advantage if, for example, you write 2300 as 2.3 x 103, although you should still know the theory for those cases. However, if you have a number like 2,300,000,000,000,000,000 it helps to write this as 2.3 x 1018 - it is easy to compare with other numbers, without having to count the digits, or even write them out.

The purpose is to have a compact way to write, and compare, very large and very small numbers.

You won't notice the advantage if, for example, you write 2300 as 2.3 x 103, although you should still know the theory for those cases. However, if you have a number like 2,300,000,000,000,000,000 it helps to write this as 2.3 x 1018 - it is easy to compare with other numbers, without having to count the digits, or even write them out.

The purpose is to have a compact way to write, and compare, very large and very small numbers.

You won't notice the advantage if, for example, you write 2300 as 2.3 x 103, although you should still know the theory for those cases. However, if you have a number like 2,300,000,000,000,000,000 it helps to write this as 2.3 x 1018 - it is easy to compare with other numbers, without having to count the digits, or even write them out.

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15y ago

The purpose is to have a compact way to write, and compare, very large and very small numbers.

You won't notice the advantage if, for example, you write 2300 as 2.3 x 103, although you should still know the theory for those cases. However, if you have a number like 2,300,000,000,000,000,000 it helps to write this as 2.3 x 1018 - it is easy to compare with other numbers, without having to count the digits, or even write them out.

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Q: What is the purpose of writing a number of scientific notation?
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Writing a string of random digits is a proper waste!

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Large Number & Small Number are Difficult to Write and Read,So a Method For Writing and Reading them More Easily This Calle Scientific notation ,To Computation make easy! :)))

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