You simply multiply the whole number by the denominator. A whole number divided by a fraction is the whole number times the inverse of the fraction. For example, 8 divided by 1/4 is 8 times 4 = 32.
The quotient is less than the fraction.
Any number, including 65, can be divided by any other number, but the quotient may or may not be a whole number. If you're looking for a number by which 65 can be divided that will give you a quotient that is a whole number, that would be either 5 or 65.
When dividing by fractions, multiply the whole number by the reciprocal of the fraction. In this case, it's the same as multiplying the whole number by the denominator. 5 divided by 1/2 = 5 x 2/1 = 10
You simply multiply the whole number by the denominator. A whole number divided by a fraction is the whole number times the inverse of the fraction. For example, 8 divided by 1/4 is 8 times 4 = 32.
When dividing a whole number by a fraction with a numerator of 1, you can think of the division as a fraction divided by a fraction. To find the quotient, you can multiply the whole number by the reciprocal of the fraction (flipping the fraction), which is essentially the same as multiplying by the fraction's denominator. This process is based on the concept that division is the same as multiplication by the reciprocal.
The quotient is less than the fraction.
Not necessarily.
When you divide a number by a fraction between zero and one, the quotient will be greater than that number.
Generally, the quotient of a whole number divided by a fraction will be greater than that whole number, because division is simply multiplying the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor. For instance: 2 / (1/2) = 2 * (2/1)
Any number, including 65, can be divided by any other number, but the quotient may or may not be a whole number. If you're looking for a number by which 65 can be divided that will give you a quotient that is a whole number, that would be either 5 or 65.
When dividing by fractions, multiply the whole number by the reciprocal of the fraction. In this case, it's the same as multiplying the whole number by the denominator. 5 divided by 1/2 = 5 x 2/1 = 10
It is the first whole number divided by the denominator of the unit fraction. This could be a whole number or a fraction.
Invert the fraction and multiply.