Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 3, 24:45 is equivalent to 8:15.
It is: 15 to 16
wow 4:9
If you mean: 60 to 45 then it is 4 to 3
15/28 is the simplest form and, by definition, the simplest form must be equivalent to other forms of the ratio.
To simplify the ratio of 45 to 180, first find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers, which is 45. Divide both numbers by the GCD to get the simplest form ratio. Therefore, the ratio of 45 to 180 in simplest form is 1:4.
Expressed as a ratio in its simplest form, by dividing the antecedent and consequent by 3, 24:45 is equivalent to 8:15.
Since the antecedent of the ratio 1:45 is 1, it cannot be divided any further leaving an integer antecedent. Therefore, 1:45 is already expressed in its simplest form.
14:45 written as a fraction in simplest form is 1/3
It is: 1 to 15
It is: 9 and 20
It is: 15 to 16
45% is also the same as 45:100 which would reduce down to 9:20 in it's simplest form.
wow 4:9
9 to 8
If you mean 45/60 then it is 3/4
If you mean: 60 to 45 then it is 4 to 3