No, as 14 does not divide evenly (no remainder) into 92.
18 divided by 14 = 1 with a remainder of 4 or 1.2857
As a whole number it is 14
143 divided by 14 is 10 with remainder 3.
No, as 14 does not divide evenly (no remainder) into 92.
The largest number that will divide into 28 42 and 70 with no remainder is 14.
The answer is the remainder has a quotient of 14
18 divided by 14 = 1 with a remainder of 4 or 1.2857
As a whole number it is 14
The answer is 13. If the remainder was 14 or more, then the quotient could be increased by 1 or more and the remainder reduced by the appropriate multiple of 14.
Divide it by the divisor as for example 14/5 = 2 remainder 4 and 4/5 = 0.8 So: 14/5 = 2.8