You usually don't think of division with decimals as having a remainder. The first step when dividing with decimals is to move the decimal so that the divisor (14.7) becomes a whole number.
139/14.7 is equivalent to 1390 / 147, from this we can get a remainder:
9 with a remainder of 67
or as a mixed number 9 67/147
I suppose, if you insist on using the decimal, 14.7, the remainder would 6.7
To calculate how many times 24 goes into 147, you would perform division. Divide 147 by 24 to get the quotient. In this case, 147 divided by 24 equals 6 with a remainder of 3. Therefore, 24 goes into 147 six times with a remainder of 3.
It is 8.
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! Let's see, 16 goes into 147 about 9 times with a remainder of 3. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little accidents. Just keep painting and enjoying the process of learning!
3 divided by 147 is ~0.0204081632653
No: 147 divided by six is 24 with remainder 3.
To calculate how many times 24 goes into 147, you would perform division. Divide 147 by 24 to get the quotient. In this case, 147 divided by 24 equals 6 with a remainder of 3. Therefore, 24 goes into 147 six times with a remainder of 3.
It is 8.
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem! Let's see, 16 goes into 147 about 9 times with a remainder of 3. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little accidents. Just keep painting and enjoying the process of learning!