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A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.

A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.

A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.

A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.

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11y ago
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11y ago

A regular hendecagon is one possible answer.

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11y ago

the same number of sides it has

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Q: What is the shape with at least 1 line of symmetry 11 sides and a 2d shape?
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What shape that has at least one line of symmetry?

None.All shapes were at least 3 sides or more.

A shape that has at least one line of symmetry?

a shape with a line of symmetry

How do you find the line of syMmetry?

The line of symmetry in a shape is found be looking at the sides of the shape. If you see that two sides look the same, try to draw a straight line through them. The line of symmetry acts like the dotted line in which you fold you paper. If you can fold the shape across the line of symmetry, and the shape is exactly the same on both sides then you have found A line of symmetry.

What is a line of symmetry what does it look like?

a line of symmetry is the middle of a shape that is the same on both sides

What 2D shape has at least one line if symmetry?

The 2D shape which has one line of symmetry is the trapezium.

What shape has at least 1 line of symmetry?

An isosceles triangle has one line of symmetry

Draw a shape with two lines of symmetry?

A line of symmetry can be thought of as the line where you could cut a shape (or a line or any object) and it would look the exact same on both sides. An example of a shape with exactly two lines of symmetry would be a rectangle. A square also has at least two lines of symmetry, but it actually has four total.

What does symmetry look like?

Symmetry is dividing a shape or figure in a certain way so that both sides are the same. Usually the line of symmetry, the line separating the shape, is a straight line.

What shape has 4 sides and has one line of symmetry?

a trapazoid

What is a shape with five sides and one line of symmetry?

A pentagon

What shape has five sides and one line of symmetry?

A pentagon

What shape has 5 sides and 1 line of symmetry?
