15.588 ft2 using the formula: (Sqrt(3)/4)×(side)²
There are 43,560 ft2 in an Acre.43560-2 = 208.71 Or ...An Acre is a square, 208.7 ft on a side.
120 ft2
389.711 ft2
15.588 ft2 using the formula: (Sqrt(3)/4)×(side)²
Surface Area = ~636.17 ft2
Surface Area = ~791.68 ft2
There are 43,560 ft2 in an Acre.43560-2 = 208.71 Or ...An Acre is a square, 208.7 ft on a side.
300 ft by 3000 ft is approximately 20.661157 acres, as you would multiply 300 by 3000 (as acres are a unit of area, not length) giving you 900,000 square feet (sqft, or ft2) which converts to about 20.661157 acres, as an acre is 43560 square feet.
You can't tell. There are an infinite number of sets of different dimensions that the field could have, all with the same area. The area doesn't tell you the length or width.
1 acre is approximately 43,500 ft2. So 80 acres is approximatley 3,480,000 ft2. Assuming that the land is square, take the square root of 3,480,000 ft2. This will give you the approximate length of one side, which in this case is about 1865 feet. To find the perimeter of the square multiply by 4 and get ~7460 feet.
120 ft2