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The smallest counting or natural number is 1

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6y ago

Either 0 or 1, depending on the definition. It's probably best to include zero in the definition, since you can have an empty set.

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Q: What is the smallest counting number 1-1 0 or 2?
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What is the smallest counting number?


What is the difference between the smallest natural number and the first counting number?

The first counting number is 1. There is some disagreement over the smallest natural number. It is either 0 or 1 so your answer is either 0 or 1.

Why zero is not a counting number?

The number 0 has no value.Therefore it is not a counting number.

Is the zero is the smallest number?

Yes, zero is the smallest whole number. One is the smallest counting or natural number.Another opinion0 (called "zero" or "nil") means "nothing exists" so 0 cannot itself be a real number.So the smallest whole number is 1. (Also known as "one" or "unity".)

Is the number 0 the smallest number?

no 0 isn't the smallest number because there are negative numbers so there really is no biggest number nor smallest number

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The smallest square number qreater than 1 is 2. * * * * * 2 is not a perfect square number.

Why is zero not considered a counting number In timer down counters it counts down to zero?

If a timer is counting down from 30, it doesn't actually count 30. It starts counting at 29. If you are counting up to 10, you wouldn't count the number that you are counting from. If you counted 0, you would actually be counting 11 numbers.

What is the smallest possible number you can make out of 83150?

If 0 can be counted as the first number, then the smallest number is 01358. If 0 cannot be counted as the first number, the the smallest number is 10358.

If a number is a counting number or the opposite of a counting number then is it an integer?

A counting number is the numbers you lear as a little kid, counting numbers are one and up. Integers include the counting numbers, 0, and the opposite (negative) of counting numbers. So yes, a counting number or the opposite of a counting number is an integer.

If a number is a counting number or the opposite of a counting number then it is an integer?

A counting number is the numbers you lear as a little kid, counting numbers are one and up. Integers include the counting numbers, 0, and the opposite (negative) of counting numbers. So yes, a counting number or the opposite of a counting number is an integer.

Why is zero a counting number?

zero is not a counting number. if you count the number of kids in a room, would you start with the number 0?

What is the smallest number not to start with 0?

Numbers don't stop in either direction. The smallest positive number not starting with 0 is 1. The smallest negative number is infinite.