The next number up from 621 that contains all 3's in it is 3333.
To figure out what whole number you need to add to 621 to get to 3333 just subtract the two.
3333 - 621 = 2712
Therefore, 2712 is the small whole number that you can add to 621 and get an answer that contains all 3's.
If it is a whole number, you only need to add 1, 613400 + 1 = 613401
It is: 11 because 1+1 = 2 which is the smallest prime number
Add the whole number to the whole part of the mixed number. For example, 3 + 2 and 1/2 = 5 and 1/2. The fractional part is separate from the whole part.
There is no biggest whole number. You can always add one more.
The smallest prime number, of course, is 2. The smallest prime number whose digits add up to 2 is, of course, 2. The next-smallest is 11. It is left as an exercise for the reader to determine whether the other numbers whose digits add up to 2 (e.g. 101, 1001, 10001) are prime.
What is the smallest whole number you can add to 637 and get all 5's in the answer?
It is 2702.
Just add one to that number!
If it is a whole number, you only need to add 1, 613400 + 1 = 613401
Yes, the sum of 273 and 348 is 621.
Add whole, then to the sum put the fraction next to it
It is: 11 because 1+1 = 2 which is the smallest prime number
Add the whole number to the whole part of the mixed number. For example, 3 + 2 and 1/2 = 5 and 1/2. The fractional part is separate from the whole part.
The smallest whole number where the sum of the digits is 21 is 189. This number has a digit sum of 1+8+9 = 18. To find the smallest number with a digit sum of 21, we need to increase the hundreds digit by 1 and decrease the units digit by 1, resulting in 198.
There is no biggest whole number. You can always add one more.