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299,792,458 meters (186,282 miles) per second.

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3.0 * 108 ms-1

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Q: What is the speed of light in an empty space or vacuum?
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Why does light travel faster in empty spaces?

Light travels faster (up to the speed of light) in a vacuum, which is empty space. Light travels slower through a medium (matter).

Which is a comparison of the speed of light in a material compared to the speed of light in empty space?

The speed of light in any material medium is less than it is in empty space.

What is the velocity of light in space compared to that in a denser medium?

The speed of light and all other electromagnetic wavelengths in vacuum (empty space) is higher than in any other medium.

Is light faster in gas or in an empty space?

Usually, in most substances the speed of light is slower than in empty space.

What is the speed of light at zero degrees centigrade?

The speed of light in a vacuum is 300,000 kilometers/second. The concept of "temperature" isn't very relevant in empty space (or in nearly-empty space).When considering the speed of light in anything else than a vacuum (for example, in air, glass, or water), the material through which it travels is much more relevant than the exact temperature.

Why does an electromagnetic wave in space never slow down?

In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.In empty space, an electromagnetic wave can only travel at one speed - the speed of light.

The speed of light is what in space?

The speed of light in a vacuum (space) is about 3x10^8 m/s. The most accurate measurement is:

Does light travel faster in empty space?

Yes light has the maximum speed viz 3 x 10^8 m/s (approximately). So light travels faster in vacuum.

How does the speed of light change as light change as light moves from a distant star toward earth in the vacuum of space?

As long as it remains in the vacuum in the vacuum, the speed of the light doesn't change at all.

Which of these is constant for ALL types of electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum?

Answer = Velocity Velocity is the speed of light and, the speed of light, is a constant among Electromagnetic Radiation in the vacuum of space.

What is the speed of light in empty space?

The speed of light in an empty space is approximately 3.00 X 10^8 m/s.

Does light travels slowest through space?

As the medium through which light propagates in space is closes to a vacuum, light propagates very well in space. However, it travels at the same speed as it would on earth, as light travels at 299,792,458m/s in a vacuum, regardless of where that vacuum is located. the light travels in same speed whether it travels in space or earth.