The Wikipedia lists the value of Pi to 50 decimal places as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510Please note that for most purposes, the 8 or 10 significant digits shown on your scientific calculator provide much more precision than you actually need. An approximation such as 3.14, or 3.1416, is normally enough.
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9 and 3 are in the 14th and th decimal place for the value of pi.
3.14159The 9 was just in-caseHere is the value of PI to 10 decimal places:3.1415926536For four decimal places keep in mind you want to round the 5 up, so 3.1416.Answer+MoreTo the 18th decimal place pi is 3.1415926535897932383.141592 is very close to 3.1416 so pi to the fourth decimal place is in fact, 3.1416.
pi = 3.14159 to five decimal places
Pi has an infinite number of decimal places
the value of pi is 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288........ it goes on and on