64 squared (64 x 64) is 4,096.
Percentage of increase is the difference between (new value - old value) divided by the old value times 100%. That is... (245 - 64) ÷ 64 x 100% = 181 ÷ 64 x 100% ≈ 2.828 x 100% = 282.8% In other words, an increase from 64 to 245 is an increase of 282.8%.
4^(3) = 4 x 4 x 4 = 16 x 4 = 64
If you mean: x-64 = 3 then the value of x is 67
64 squared (64 x 64) is 4,096.
You already know the value of x is 4. To solve the value of y = 64x, mutlply 64 x 4. Hence, y = 64*4 = 256.
Percentage of increase is the difference between (new value - old value) divided by the old value times 100%. That is... (245 - 64) ÷ 64 x 100% = 181 ÷ 64 x 100% ≈ 2.828 x 100% = 282.8% In other words, an increase from 64 to 245 is an increase of 282.8%.
4^(3) = 4 x 4 x 4 = 16 x 4 = 64
8 squared = 8 x 8 = 64
Since 8x8 = 64 and (-8)x(-8) is also = 64