Seven hundred fifty thousand
No, three quarters is more than two quarters.
Assuming the question refers to 5 and three quarters, there are 20 quarters in 5 and three more so 23.
It is fifty-four
Seven hundred fifty thousand
Three quarters of 75 is 56.25 (AKA... Fifty Six and a Quarter)
Sixteen divided by three quarters is the same as sixteen multiplied by four thirds: 16/ (3/4) = 16 * (4/3) Since we know that division is the inverse of multiplication. Therefore, we can say that sixteen divided by three quarters is fifty-two thirds. (52/3)
thirty-nine 52/2 = 26 26/2 = 13 26 + 13 = 39
No, three quarters is more than two quarters.
Three fourths is three quarters One half is two quarters. Three quarters is greater than two quarters.
There are three quarters in three quarters.