2/3 + 3/4 = 17/12 or 1 5/12.
To add fractions, you first must make their denominators (bottom numbers) the same. To do this you have to find the lowest number they can both be divided into. In the case of 3 and 4, it would be 12 (12/3=4, 12/4=3). However, anything you do to the denominator, you must also do to the numerator. So you do this:
which turns the equation into:
When adding fractions, the denominators always stay the same, and you just add the numerators together.
so the answer would be 17/12
The sum of 2/3 and 3/4 is 1 5/12
three fourths
three fourths
Eight and three fourths plus six and two fifths is fifteen and one twentieth.
three and one fourth
Three fourths plus five fourths is equal to eight fourths, or two whole units.
three fourths
three fourths
Seventeen eighths or two and an eighth.
five fourths, or 1 and 1 fourth
Eight and three fourths plus six and two fifths is fifteen and one twentieth.
7.75 OR 7 3/4 OR seven and three-fourths
why who are you
Five sixths.
three and one fourth
Three fourths plus five fourths is equal to eight fourths, or two whole units.
2 and 3/4