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12' x 30' = 360 square feet
A quick search found the number '12' mentioned 48 times (4x12) AND the world 'twelve' mentioned 133 times.The number 12 in bible numerology means 'organizational beginnings' and can be seen in the Hebrew calendar of 360 day/year (12x30), Jacob/Israel's 12 sons beginning the 12 Tribes of Israel, Abraham's son Ishmael having 12 sons to begin the Arab peoples and Jesus having 12 Apostles to begin the Church of God on Earth.
12x30 equals 360.
1x360 2x180 3x120 5x72 6x60 9x40 36x10 12x30
12' x 30' = 360 square feet
360 square feet !
A quick search found the number '12' mentioned 48 times (4x12) AND the world 'twelve' mentioned 133 times.The number 12 in bible numerology means 'organizational beginnings' and can be seen in the Hebrew calendar of 360 day/year (12x30), Jacob/Israel's 12 sons beginning the 12 Tribes of Israel, Abraham's son Ishmael having 12 sons to begin the Arab peoples and Jesus having 12 Apostles to begin the Church of God on Earth.
I have a Dolfino Easy-set pool (16 x 42") I was also looking for an easy schedule and came across a chemical kit sold in Canada in Canadian Tire stores. This kit was made for these "inflatable" pools and was relatively inexpensive. On the side it lists start-up schedules and maintenance schedules (how much and how often) for each of the pool sizes. I'd be happy to email anyone with the information on the box. Just let me know the size of your pool. I believe Walmart in the US also sells these kits. I've had wonderful luck with mine. can you use the pump to release the water in the street, when you empty the pool. Our backyard (where the pool is)is lower than the frontyard, whe might need a pump.
SHOCK IT,ADD ALGAECIDE AFTER IT HAS A BALANCE OF 5 CHLORINE LEVEL,....CLEAN THE FILTER REPEATEDLY DAILY,...BRUSH YOUR POOL TWICE A DAY,....CHECK REGULARLY WITH A TEST KIT,....KEEP SWIMMING TO GET YOUR CHEMICALS TO AIRATE AND WORK.....YOU HAVE TO KEEP UP WITH ANY POOL BUT IT SURE IS WORTH IT,HAVE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS POOLS TAKE CARE OF IT WHILE ON VACATION AND LET PEOPLE SWIM IN IT WHILE YOUR GONE TOO,THAT STIRS THINGS UP FOR THE FILTER...G-LUCK! If you want to hurry the process just cast some flocculant onto the surface of the water this will force the algae to the bottom after a couple of days then vacuum the bottom layer of the water to waste. Your pool shop should be able to give you advice on this.RB
The typical sized person needs about 30" width at any table. Using your geometry lessons from school, lets invent a rule you can always use for seating and table sizing. For rectangular and square tables, it should be easy enough. Measure the length of any side (in inches) and divide by 30. If you get a decimal, round down for comfort (round up if an emergency seat is needed). For example, a 6' long rectangular table is 72" in length. 72/30=2.4 (that's 72" divided by 30" per person = 2.4 persons). So, you can fit 2 on each side. I'd only squeeze in another soul if we're seating kids. Round tables are a little trickier but not too hard to figure. Circumference (length around a circle) = Diameter (length across the middle of the circle) x Pi. Pi = 3.1416. If you use 3 instead of Pi, your table will just grow in size slightly. So, back to the 30" per person rule. Seating for 12 means you need 12x30=360 (that's 12 people x 30" per person = 360" circumference needed). Then you just divide by Pi (or 3 to keep it simple) to get the table size in diameter. 360"/3=120" diameter. 120"= 10'-0" You need a 10' diameter table. Luckily, that is a common size. You'll have to purchase or rent tables by their commonly manufactured sizes... and, of course, if you call, they'll probably just tell you how many can sit at each size. Oh well, at least if you're OCD, you can now fine tune and confirm! : )
Contradictions about God in the QuranI challenge anyone to find even one contradictions or erros in the Quran. Be it about God, or anything else. And lets share what u've found. An example:Allah does not forgive shirk (Surah 4:48), Allah does forgive shirk (4:153)objection to the above criticism/exampleDear friend, these verses -4/48 and 4/153 never contradicts, because the subject of v.48 in ch.4 is very well explained in in chapter.7 inverses 148,149, 152 & 153.So Law of Allah states that (as explained in 4:153) Allah will not forgive shirk until one abandons it and turn to Allah in Repentance (by worshipping Allah alone) .But with regard to other sins He may forgive even if one does not repent. The people mentioned in the verse 4/48 had repented and abandoned Shirk as we read in ch.7(in above verses.).This issue(shirk) is further explained in Chapter 25 verses 68-70) . All the 'contadictions' or 'errors' could be well explained.If you" consider the Quran with care" as we read in verse 82 Ch.4 you cannot find contradictions in it!Why exclude the Jewish religion?All break-away groups broke off because they don't agree with the doctrine of the parent religion. The same reason why there are many Muslim denominations and Christian denominations. All alleged "Contradictions" in the Holy Bible listed above, have been taken out of context. Unlike the Quran the Holy Bible has a theme and a real message. The basics of the Quran can be summed up very simply. Do precisely as "Allah" says for your entire life with no mistakes (follow the law) and you may (there is no guarantee from the Quran) get to be his slave for enternity. In contrast to this, The Holy Bible first shows that man can not live up to God's standard (for all fall short of the glory of God) after establishing this with no excuses, all people would be destroyed. Then God offers Himself as a sacrifice (Jesus Christ) to pay for the penalty of sin (death) so that we can LIVE with God for eternity. Simply believing that God sent His Son (Jesus) to do what we could not do, allows any human to live for eternity.As far as a contradition in the Quran. If you break a law you do not go to heaven. According to the Quran a man was only allowed to have 4 wives. Mohammed (their most high profit) had 12 wives.. The Quran was dictated by this "holy" man. You have to take this ONE man's word for it. Because he couldn't read or write.The Holy Bible however had 42 authors. Stretched over 1300 + years. Prophets, Kings, Judges, Fisherman, doctors, women and men all had a part in writing the Holy Bible.PLEASE! Read everything in context!Stupidly out of context, JUST to show contradictions within the bible. The bible says "THERE IS NO GOD". Great! Then there pretty much isn't any use of the Bible because the whole bible IS about God.The whole verse says: Psalm 14:1 "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'"READ THINGS IN CONTEXT AND KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT! THEN MAYBE YOU CAN HAVE A SOUND ARGUMENT.From Layers of HeavenArabic TranslationBy Ali SinaDear Ali, Please explain the claim that Muhammad predicted the layers of the atmosphere 1400 years ago when this knowledge was not yet known. Here is the claim:The Layers of the AtmosphereOne fact about the universe revealed in the verses of the Qur'an is that the sky is made up of seven layers."It is He Who created everything on the earth for you and then directed His attention up to heaven and arranged it into seven regular heavens. He has knowledge of all things."(The Qur'an, 2:29)"Then He turned to heaven when it was smoke. In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate."(The Qur'an, 41:12)The word "heavens", which appears in many verses in the Qur'an, is used to refer to the sky above the Earth, as well as the entire universe. Given this meaning of the word, it is seen that the Earth's sky, or the atmosphere, is made up of seven layers.The Earth has all the attributes that are needed for life. One of them is the atmosphere, which serves as a shield protecting living things. Today, it is an established fact that the atmosphere is made up of different layers lying on top of one another. Just as it is described in the Qur'an, the atmosphere is made up of exactly seven layers. This is certainly one of the miracles of the Qur'an.Indeed, today it is known that the world's atmosphere consists of different layers that lie on top of each other. Furthermore, it consists, just as is described in the Qur'an, of exactly seven layers. In a scientific source, the subject is described as follows:14 centuries ago, when the sky was believed to be one unified body, the Qur'an miraculously stated that it consisted of layers, and what is more, "seven" layers. Modern science, on the other hand, discovered the fact that the atmosphere surrounding the Earth is made up of "seven" basic layers only very recently.The above claim was made by Harun Yahya in his site but after I published the following rebuttal he removed that page from his site. You can still find what he wrote in this Islamic site.The Truth About 7 Layers of HeavenThe pre Copernican concept of the universe was geocentric, i.e. they thought that the Earth was flat and was located at the center of the universe. They believed that the Sun and the Moon along with Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury that made the seven known objects of the heaven were deities. These were the only objects people could observe with their naked eyes moving in the sky while the stars appeared to be fix. They believed that these planets or �gods� each had its own sphere. These layers are not the same as the orbits that we know. The planets did not orbit the Sun but they all revolved around the flat Earth in this order: Moon MercuryVenus Sun Mars JupiterSaturnThe closest to the Earth was the Moon and the farthest, was the Saturn. Therefore the concept of the 7 layers of heaven is based on ancient astronomy, where each celestial body occupied a crystal sphere one placed on top of the other like layers of an onion. .Both Judaism and Christianity make reference to these layers of heaven. For example Dante in his Divina Comedia refers to it and Paul the apostle, in 2 Corinthians 12:2 says: �I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the thirdheaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know�God knows.�The heaven was the physical world above. The concept of a spiritual heaven is a new concept. In the mind of the ancient man the distinction between physical heaven (sky) and spiritual heaven was fuzzy. For example �cielo� in Spanish still means both sky and heaven.Not only the Heaven had seven layers, the Earth also had seven layers and it represented the underworld or the Hell. Dante, for example on visiting the lowest level of Hell meets two men with their bodies split and he learns that they were Muhammad and Ali. He describes his encounter with these two wretched men graphically:�Truly cask, by losing mid-board or cross-piece, is not so split open as one I saw cleft from the chin to where the wind is broken: between his legs were hanging his entrails, his inner parts were visible, and the dismal sack that makes ordure of what is swallowed. Whilst all on seeing him I fix myself, he looked at me, and with his hands opened his breast, saying, "Now see how I rend myself, see how mangled is Mahomet. Ali goeth before me weeping, cleft in the face from chin to forelock; and all the others whom thou seest here were, when living, sowers of scandal and of schism, and therefore are they so cleft.�The number seven was so engrained in the mind of the ancient man that you can find it everywhere.Seven planets or gods had been identified and the phases of the moon changed every seven days. The Bible states that God rested on the seventh day after he completed his Creation. And every seventh year was sabbatical and that the seven times seventh year ushered in the Jubilee year.The Pagans divided their weeks in seven days each day representing a deity.Saturday which was the first day of the week (as it still is in Islamic countries) was dedicated to Saturn (Dies Saturni),Sunday to Sun (Dies Solis),Monday to Moon (Dies Lunae),Tuesday to Mars (Dies Martis),Wednesday to Mercury (Dies Mercurii),Thursday to Jupiter (Dies Jovis), andFriday to Venus (Dies Veneris). [1]Out of this order come the familiar seven Archangels which include Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, and the fallen Lucifer.The pagan concept of the seven layer of Heaven crept into Judaism and the number seven can be found in Judaism more than anywhere else. Why? Because Midrash teaches, there are seven layers of Heaven, obviously an influence of Paganism in Judaism.�When Adam sinned, the Shechinah departed to the First Heaven. The sin of Kayin forced it to the Second Heaven; the Generation of Enosh to the Third; the generation of the Flood to the Fourth; The generation of the Dispersion to the Fifth; Sodomites, to the Sixth; Egypt of Avraham's day, to the Seventh ... (Bereishis Rabbah 19:7)� [2]According to Judaic scriptures, creation took 7 days; Naaman had to wash 7 times in the Jordan to be cleansed from leprosy; the Israelites had to march around Jericho 7 days and 7 times on the 7th day; they had to set aside one day in 7 for rest and worship. There was a 7-armed lampstand in the temple, etc. In the last book, Revelation, we find mentioned 7 spirits, 7 lampstands, 7 churches, 7 stars, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials, 7 thunders, 7 plagues, 7 mountains and 7 kings. The tribulation period is to be 7 years being the last "week of years" of Daniel's 70 weeks (Dan 9:24 ff).[3]Muhammad did not invent the concept of the seven layers of Heaven. He merely parroted it without understanding the Pagan origin of this idea. He wrote:�So He ordained them seven heavens in two periods, and revealed in every heaven its affair; and We adorned the lower heaven with brilliant stars� �(Fussilat 41: 12)This verse has nothing to do with layers of the atmospheres as claimed by the charlatan Harun Yahya. It has to do with the geocentric concept of the universe that was prevalent at the time of Muhammad. Note also that according to Muhammad, stars are lamps that are affixed to the ceiling of the lower layer of the Heaven for adornment purposes. The lower level is the sphere of the Moon. Obviously stars are not in the same layer where Moon is and neither the Moon nor the stars are in the lower atmosphere of the Earth.In fact the concept of the layers of heaven as mentioned in the Quran is so unrelated to the layers of the atmosphere that the Islamic site tries to give a completely mystical significance to that verse and claims that it talks about the "spiritual heavens" which the soul will encounter after the death. [4]�The reference to the fact that God has created seven heavens has generally been given in the Qur�an, in reply to the skepticism shown by the disbelievers regarding the possibility of life after death. � it refers to the vastness of His creation. It says that God has not just created one sky -- i.e., one universe, but seven such skies -- or seven universes.It seems that the huge universe that we live in, the one whose boundaries are not yet known to man, is just one of these heavens (universes) there are seven others, of which we -- with all our scientific developments -- do not know anything about. Certain verses of the Qur�an clearly indicate that the whole huge mass of space around us is just one of these universes...�The Islamic site quotes Maududi, the renowned Muslim scholar and the interpreter of the Quran who says:�It is difficult to explain precisely what is meant by the �seven heavens�. In all ages man has tried, with the help of observation and speculation to conceptualize the �heavens�, i.e. that which lies beyond and above the earth. As we know the concepts that have thus developed have constantly changed. Hence it would be improper to tie the meaning of these words of the Qur�an to any one of these numerous concepts. What might be broadly inferred from this statement is that either Allah has divided the universe beyond earth into seven distinct spheres, or that this earth is located in that part of the universe which consists of seven different spheres." [5]From the Ahadith (especially the Hadith of Mi�raj) we learn that the first heaven is the one that is closest to the earth. So the order begins from the earth and the highest heaven is the seventh heaven [6].As one can see the real scholars of Islam are unable to explain the meaning of the seven heavens mentioned in the Quran and try to give esoteric significance to it. If we had to believe that the seven heavens is an allusion to the seven layers of the atmosphere then we have to assume that stars must be no more than eleven kilometers above the Earth, because as the verse 41:12 says the lower heaven is adorned with brilliant stars. The Troposphere ends at about eleven kilometers above the surface of the Earth.Not only Muhammad, like other men of his time, believed that the sky had seven layers, he also thought that the Earth was made of seven layers too.�Allah is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the earth a similar number�� [Quran 65.12]In this verse the number of the earths is not in question. It assumes that everyone agrees that there are seven earths. The emphasis is on the claim that Allah is the creator of these seven earths. The reason is because just like the seven heavens, the ancient people had agreed that there were also seven layers of earth. Muhammad was simply stating what seemed to be obvious to the people of his time but of course he was dead wrong according to the modern science.What are these seven earths that Muhammad was talking about? If there were seven continents on Earth, the Muslim apologists would not waste time to claim this verse is a miracle. But we do not have seven continents. Muhammad is talking about the seven layers of Earth. He is talking about the same layers that were described by Dante in his Inferno. Several hadith make this clear. Here is one:Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever usurps the land of somebody unjustly, his neck will be encircled with it down the seven earths (on the Day of Resurrection). " [7]Down the seventh earth is allusion to the bottom of the Hell, where Dante found Muhammad and Ali with their bodies torn asunder. It is interesting to note that both Muhammad and Ali raided innocent people killed them or exiled them and usurped their lands unjustly. Fadak was a beautiful village with many gardens that Muhammad usurped from the Jews of Khaibar after annihilating them and gave it to his daughter Fatima the wife of Ali. I am surprised Dante did not see Fadak around the neck of Muhammad and Ali when he saw them in Hell. Isn't this another proof that even their description of Hell was wrong?The detailed description of these seven earths is given by Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah al-Kisa'i:�... There are seven earths. The first is called Ramaka, beneath which is the Barren Wind, which can be bridled by no fewer than seventy thousand angels. With this wind God destroyed the people of Ad. The inhabitants of Ramaka are a nation called Muwashshim, upon whom is everlasting torment and divine retribution. The second earth is called Khalada, wherein are the implements of torture for the inhabitants of Hell. There dwells a nation called Tamis, whose food is their own flesh and whose drink is their own blood. The third earth is called Arqa, wherein dwell mulelike eagles with spearlike tails. On each tail are three hundred and sixty poisonous quills. Were even one quill placed on the face of the earth, the entire universe would pass away. The inhabitants thereof are a nation called Qays, who eat dirt and drink mothers' milk. The fourth earth is called Haraba, wherein dwell the snakes of Hell, which are as large as mountains. Each snake has fangs like tall palm trees, and if they were to strike the hugest mountain with their fangs it would be leveled to the ground. The inhabitants of this earth are a nation called Jilla, and they have no eyes, hands or feet but have wings like bats and die only of old age. The fifth earth is called Maltham, wherein stones of sulphur hang around the necks of infidels. When the fire is kindled the fuel is placed on their breasts, and the flames leap up onto their faces, as He hath said: The fire whose fuel is men and stones (2:24), and Fire shall cover their faces (14:50). The inhabitants are a nation called Hajla, who are numerous and who eat each other. The sixth earth is called Sijjin. Here are the registers of the people of Hell, and their works are vile, as He hath said: Verily the register of the actions of the wicked is surely Sijjin (83:7). Herein dwells a nation called Qatat, who are shaped like birds and worship God truly. The seventh earth is called Ajiba and is the habitation of Iblis. There dwells a nation called Khasum, who are BLACK and short, with claws like lions. It is they who will be given dominion over Gog and Magog, who will be destroyed by them� [8]It is not hard to see these tales are nonsense. These are fairy tales that even children today would laugh at.As it has been proven time and again, Quran is wrong in almost all its assertions. One error would have been enough to prove Muhammad was not a messenger of God but a liar. We have shown that there are hundreds of errors in the Quran. Yet Muslims desperately keep looking for �miracles� to fool themselves and find validation for their belief.1- [To understand why this order was chosen see this link:]2- - (Towards Understanding the Qur�an, translated by Zafar Ishaq Ansari, vol. 1, p.58 note no. 34.) From the Ahadith (especially the Hadith of Mi�raj) Ibid7- [Bukhari Volume 3, Book 43, Number 63. see also:Volume 3, Book 43, Number 633: and Volume 3, Book 43, Number 634:]8- (Tales of the Prophets-Qisas al-anbiya, trans. Wheeler M. Thackston Jr. [Great Books of the Islamic World, Inc., Distributed by Kazi Publications; Chicago, IL 1997], pp. 8-9)� taken from: