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A lower case "r."

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Often it is r.

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Q: What letter stands for radius in math?
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What math term starts with the letter R?


What are some math terms that begin with the letter R?

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What does m in math mean?

It is a letter which may be used to represent a variable. You can decide what it stands for.

What is a radium in math?

One radius

The letter c in a word computer stands for what?

"Computer" is not an abbreviation. It means "one that computes", or solves math problems.

What does letter c mean in math?

In the classic equation E = mc^2, c stands for the speed of light.

What is nPr in math?

nPr in math stands for permutation :)

Math The Diameter is equal to what?

Twice the radius.

What are math terms that start with the letter r?

range, rounding, radius, rational number, rhombus, regular shape, right angle, reflection

How is the math term radius used in everyday life?

It refers to the radius of a circle which is half of its diameter.

What does radius mean in a math problem?

radius is half of a circle. when u make a line from the middle of the circle to the edge would be the radius:]

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