31 is a prime number. So the only way you could get 31 is 1X31.
Multiplied, 31 and 3 Divided, 279 and 3 Added, 90 and 3 Subtracted, 96 and 3
What you are trying to say is "What is the square root of 31?" Well the answer is "undefined" because the square root is not a whole number.
7 x 31
15.5 x 2 = 31
They are: 1*31 = 31 which is a prime number
4 and 27
31 is a prime number. So the only way you could get 31 is 1X31.
I guess you mean: what two numbers sum to 31 and multiply together to get 150? 6 & 25 (6 + 25 = 31, 6 x 25 = 150)
Multiplied, 31 and 3 Divided, 279 and 3 Added, 90 and 3 Subtracted, 96 and 3
15.50 * 31 = 480.5
What you are trying to say is "What is the square root of 31?" Well the answer is "undefined" because the square root is not a whole number.