You can try squaring different numbers; if the answer is too high, try squaring a smaller number; if the answer is too low, try squaring a larger number.You can also calculate the square root of 121 on just about any calculator.
In this case, the answer is 11, or -11.
It is a square number because 11*11 = 121
121 is a square number
The square root of 121 is the number which multiplied by itself will give 121, the answer is 11. (11*11=121). we write 11*11 as 112 thus if 112 = 121, then the square root of 121 or √121= 11 as you can see a square root of a number is the opposite of the square of a number
121As 100 = 102 then the next largest square number will have to be 112 which is equal to 121.
The 11th square number is 11*11 = 121
Yes - the square root of 121 is equal to ±11.
The square root of 121 is 11 which is not an irrational number.
± 11
It is: 11*11 = 121
The square root of 121 is 11 which is a rational number and also a prime number