There are 200 whole numbers and many more fractional numbers that are between 3460 and 3660. The number that is halfway between them in 3560.
3460 divided by 7 = 494.28571
The phone number of the Fortuna Library is: 707-725-3460.
The phone number of the Island Library is: 757-336-3460.
The phone number of the Montgomery Branch is: 318-646-3660.
Three, though it could be four.
3460 has three significant figures. A significant figure is any non-zero digit or any embedded or trailing zero. Leading zeros are not significant.
13,360 is the answer.
The phone number of the Cherryvale Public Library is: 620-336-3460.
The phone number of the Hoodland Branch Library is: 503-622-3460.
The phone number of the Farnhamville Public Library is: 515-544-3660.