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Casey Heaney

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4y ago
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It could be: (8+6)/2 = 7

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Q: What number is half as much as 8 add 6?
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Do this the easy way- what is half of 100- it is 50. Half of 12- is 6, Add 50 and 6 to get your answer.

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usually about a half quart. put in a half then check it and add as necessary

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Half the number before and then add to the next eg ( half 4 = 2 + 4 =6,half 6 = 3+6 =9,half 9=4.5 + 9 =13.5 and so on ....)

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You can only add together fractions where the denominator (bottom number) is the same. One half is the same as 3/6. One third is the same as 2/6. 3 + 2 = 5 So your answer would be 5/6

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The actuall answer to this mind boggling question is....6 1--2So basically saying 6 and a half! Lol

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The trick is that you ask somebody to think of a number, double it, add 10, half it , take away the first number you thought of and your answer is 5 . This is because you asked them to add 10 and their answer was 5. it is just the same with other numbers as long as they are even. Say if you asked them to add 8, their answer would be 4 or if you asked them to add 6, their answer would be 3. You just half the number that you added and it will instantly get you their answer.

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What is the pattern of 18 9 10 5 6?

Cut in half, add one, cut in half, add one and so on.

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What is 6 more than half k?

1/2k + 6 or 0.5k + 6

What number is half as big as 12?

half of 12 is 6.