It can represent anything that you want - provided that you define it as such. Here are some examples:
Algebra: it could represent a typical element in the set of rational numbers.
Geometry: In the Cartesian plane (or space), it could represent the ordinate (second coordinate) of a point.
Probability: It could represent the probability of the complement of a given event - particularly for the binomial distribution.
It can be for anything you want it to be - provided you define it as such.
For example, in the coordinate plane it can represent the ordinate of a given point. In probability it can represent the probability of the complement of a given event (particularly for the binomial distribution), in geometry it can represent the side opposite the angle Q in a triangle named as PQR.
In number systems Rational number is not represented just by q . they are represented in the form of p and q . P/q is rational number where q is not equal to zero.
What's the number for Q 97.8
A rational number can be expressed as a ratio in the form, p/q, where p and q are integers and q > 0.
a rational number
A rational number is any number of the form p/q where p and q are integers and q is not zero. If p and q are co=prime, then p/q will be rational but will not be an integer.
In number systems Rational number is not represented just by q . they are represented in the form of p and q . P/q is rational number where q is not equal to zero.
It is +q, since -q +(+q) = 0.
What's the number for Q 97.8
12q 12,q 6,2,q 3,2,2,q
a rational number
Suppose q is a rational number. Then if q >= 0 then abs(q) = q.If q < 0 then abs(q) = -q [which is positive].
A rational number can be expressed as a ratio in the form, p/q, where p and q are integers and q > 0.
p/q form of the number is 0.3 is: (A) (B)
The sum of a number x and 84
Any rational number (by definition).
a rational number
The additive opposite of the rational number q is -q. One of q and -q must be non-negative and that is its absolute value.