The nearest whole number is 16.
39 is a composite number whose proper factors add up to 16.
The factor pairs of 36 are (36,1)(18,2)(12,3)(9,4) None of them add up to 16.
you add them all up and divide by the how many you added up example:: 2,56,4,9,9 add them up which equals = 80 and then you divide my 5 because there are 5 numbers and you get=16
45 will be the average...
add up all the numbers and then divide that number by the number of numbers that you added up.
All the numbers added up then divided by the number of numbers there are
a number when all the proper factors added up equals 1 less then your number
Without going into all the math because all I did was Google it, 45.
There are more than just prime and composite, there are 3 other types which you can describe a number by the kind of factors. They are abundant number, deficient number, and perfect number. An abundant number is a number which if its factors were all added up , the sum would be greater than the number itself. A deficient number is a number in which if all its factors were added up the sum would be less than the number itself. A perfect number is in which a numbers factors are added up and the sum will be the same number as the number itself. Example of abundant number: 12 because these are its factors, 1+2+3+4+6 which equals 16 and 16 is greater than 12. Example of a deficient number: 15 because 15's factors are 1+3+5 which equals 9 and 9 is less than 15. Example of a perfect number: 6 because 6's factors are 1+2+3 which equals 6 and 6 is the same as 6
The nearest whole number is 16.
39 is a composite number whose proper factors add up to 16.