57 is 38% of 150.
We can represent this as an equation:
57 = 150 * x - Percentage is found by taking the orginal number and multiplying it by the percent/decimal
x = 57/150 - This is the above equation restructured
x = 0.38
0.38 is decimal form. To convert to percentage, multiply the decimal by 100.
57 is 38% of 150.
% Rate= (57/150) x 100% = 38%
38*150%= 38*1.5= 57
57 as a percentage of 150 = 38%% rate:= 57/150 * 100%= 0.38 * 100%= 38%
57 percent
57 percent = 57% = 57/100 in fraction in lowest term
57 percent of 21 is 11.97
57 percent of 130 is 74.1
57 %
(57% + 73%) / 2 = 65%
57% = 57/100