24 hours in a day, so...
8/24 is 1/3 or 33.333333333etc%
1 day, or 100% day, = 24 hours so 50 day = 12 hours.
Eight hours is 1/3 of a day. One day = 24 hours, and 24/8=3.
87.5% of a day is 21 hours.
The duration of Ninety Eight Percent is 1.03 hours.
I was at work for eight hours yesterday. Eight hours are a 1/3 of a day
1 day, or 100% day, = 24 hours so 50 day = 12 hours.
Eight hours is 1/3 of a day. One day = 24 hours, and 24/8=3.
87.5% of a day is 21 hours.
A standard work day in the US is eight hours.
To find 10 percent of a value, multiply the value by 0.1. In this instance, 0.1 x 8 = 0.8 hours.
work hours
There are 192 hours in eight days. Each day has 24 hours.
24 hours /5 4.8 hours