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In the Roman numeric system, each letter carries a numeric value. For example, I is equal to 1.

I = 1

V = 5

X = 10

L = 50

C = 100

D = 500

M = 1,000

However, if a smaller numeral is located immediately before a larger numeral, then that value (the smaller number) is subtracted from the larger number.

For example XL = 40, even though X = 10 and L = 50. If the X is first, then the following value is minus its value.

Therefore, MMXIV would equal 2014 (M = 1000, M = 1000, X = 10, IV = 4).

Nowadays MMXIV represents 2014 in Roman numerals but the ancient Romans probably wrote them out quite diffently

1000 + 1000 + 10 + (5-1) = 2000 + 10 + 4

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M represents 1000, V is 5, and I is 1. This would convert to 2014.

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Q: What roman numeral is MMXIV?
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